This is for members who last paid for the membership before May 28th 2012 on our old website.
If you renewed online after May 28th 2012, Paypal will manage your renewal process for us and the following doesn’t apply to you.
If your membership has not expired yet and you would like to renew, please read this carefully:
- Have your username and password handy. Lost your username or password? Retrieve it here.
- Once Paypal redirects you back to our website for the 2nd phase of registration, be sure to select the existing members option at the top in the red box.
WARNING: Do not renew months in advance as your new subscription will start right away
Renew now!
1 Year Membership At $20* |
2 Years Membership At Only $36* |
Lifetime Membership At $148* |
* there is a $2 processing fee with online registration but you get instant access to our members only pages
Do You Have A Question?
Call us at (858) 626-6944, email us with questions at or use our contact form.