All posts tagged Dad’s Corner

Dad’s Corner: Five Buck$ Worth of Romance Advice

When we hear the name Abraham Lincoln most of us think of the gentle-giant president, the Gettysburg Address, and the Emancipation Proclamation. Rarely do we see our sixteenth president as a romantic, but romantic he was. What a lucky woman […]

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Dad’s Corner: Moms-To-Be Need Romance, Too

The First Trimester (The Queasy Months) This is an incredible time. Amidst preparing the nursery and dreaming of the future, there’s your partner, the woman you love, the mother of

Dad’s Corner: The Low-Down on the V-Men

--Written by Leon Scott Baxter Lewandowski They’re out there, right under our noses. They’re in line with us at the bank. They sit in the pew alongside ours at

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